
Healing journeys

Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.

- Rachel Naomi Remen

Are there beliefs in your world that no longer serve you? Former beliefs may not help you get where you'd like to be- such as living with more joy, integrity, freedom, or awareness. Rediscovering what values matter to you can be a genuinely healing journey. As you shed the layers of old ideas and expectations, you make room for new goals and desires to flourish.

Today is a good day to begin the letting go process. How letting go happens can look different for everyone- whether you do that through writing it down, speaking to a friend, dancing, reorganizing your routines, being in nature … whatever your process, this truth is clear- One little step at a time, you are making your health a priority as you say YES to what gives you hope, excitement, peace, and the knowledge that you are making progress. ❣

-Karyn Davies, Registered Clinical Counsellor 

Karyn empowers clients to live with passion, authenticity, and trust. Her support enhances self-esteem and promotes a regular self-care practice, while celebrating client progress in feeling more grounded, capable, and present to life's joys and challenges. 



Wholeness or scarcity?

Learning to listen The work of Jon Kabat-Zinn is powerful to me. Somehow he distills the essence of an idea into a meaningful, thick and juicy morsel-

while not being too weighty. Learning about meditation and mindful living is an ongoing process, one that likely happens slowly over time. Perhaps we also see growth in little spurts, to tell us that we're engaged in the process.

'Perhaps the most "spiritual" thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.' -Jon Kabat-Zinn. Wherever you go, there you are.

How often do you notice what you're seeing as you go about your day? Learning to honour, respect and listen to our own perspective takes practice. I find that seeing with wholeness has an important connection to its opposite, which can be called seeing with scarcity.

Seeing with scarcity has to do with being fearful that we won't have enough, do enough, or be connected with others in ways that we need. Scarcity drains energy and stops life force from moving freely, keeping people from living in wholeness. Wholeness relates to thought patterns that allow appreciation for what we do have, affirming the greatness in who we are and what we are becoming as we grow and expand our hearts.

I invite you to set your intention for 2015 in terms of wholeness. What will you make a regular part of your life that will nurture your mind and spirit?

How will you maximize the use of your unique kind of energy, intelligence and passion?

Dare to live with abundance.




7 ways to re-energize your holiday season

Starting to feel the busy energy of the holiday season coming up? If you're wanting to shift the way you live during this high-activity month, check out Karyn and Dr Carmen's workshop:

7 ways to re-energize your holiday season

Tools to release stress and nourish balance

Create a herbal wellness kit to keep or gift

Dr Carmen Tanaka is an insightful Naturopath who supports people to reach their health goals. She is full of vitality and I enjoy being in her presence!

For myself, working with groups is delightful. I appreciate seeing people make discoveries and come alive in ways they haven't experienced before. I help others find ways of being creative  in how they approach a stressful or energy draining situation.

Connect. Learn. Nourish.  That's what our afternoon of re-energizing is all about.

Nov 29th from 1.30 -4 pm

at Heartwood Community Café, 317 East Broadway in Vancouver.  Cost: $35.

Please register with Dr. Carmen via email at: Carmen@drcarmentanaka.com


How can the arts have an impact in the world?

How can the arts have an impact in the world? It might be the quest for inspiration outside of our usual ways of thinking and acting as live each day. It could be the transforming force that gets kick-started when we access another part of our brains and create. I was enlivened, inspired, delighted in a conversation today, as the person beside me exclaimed 'I think the arts will change the world!'  To this my heart responded with a resounding YES! As more individuals, communities, professional groups and families become receptive to how living with imagination can open up remarkable possibilities, small shifts are happening. The harnessing of creativity as its own life force is a powerful thing.

How have you been impacted, influenced, encouraged by some form of art and creativity?

7 Ways to CONNECT and boost your energy for the fall

Join us for CONNECT, a free and fabulous talk on how connecting with your creative side can greatly boost your energy levels, and inspire you to engage with new possibilities in your life.

Saturday Oct 25th, 10.30-11.30 am. #203-4381 Fraser Street at 28th Ave in Vancouver.

How can you connect? 7 ways to boost your energy this fall:   Place in any order you'd like.....

Pause and try some relaxation breathing for 3 minutes.

Spend 10 minutes each morning doing free-flow writing, where you don't edit anything (!)

Stretch your arms, neck and shoulders when you first wake up, to get the circulation moving.

Post quotes on your mirror that inspire you with an encouraging message. (love notes to yourself)

Try wearing bright colours to see how they affect your energy level

Thank yourself for something terrific you've done today

Say no to something that feels like too much        

Wishing you moments of inspiration in your day!   KD