
Getting back to simple joys

Re-grounding after the winter has passed and spring is here can be a marvelous way to get some self-care in ♥️ Whether your last few months have been overly busy and rather exhausting, or quieter and a bit on the lonely side- resetting your own rhythms is important.

Today's invitation: Get creative with your hands, and make something. Anything you like. Relax and unwind with some favourite music, and have fun creating with colours, textures, and neat ideas. Focusing on a creative project is super healthy for the mind. Rediscover a childlike moment and enjoy losing track of time as you get into the fun!

Karine is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in Vancouver BC. She guides people in re-connecting with what brings them peace, fulfillment, and a sense of hope in their lives. It's a privilege to help clients strengthen their personal voice as they gain tools o feel more empowered and aligned with their purpose. 💛


Getting unstuck is a good thing

Are you ready to take that next step in feeling more alive?

There can be unresolved hurts, disappointments, and fears that keep you from moving forward into a life that is filled with more joy and passion.
If you're feeling exhausted, unmotivated, or easily irritated; you may not be clear on what the reasons are, or on how to get unstuck- that is why therapists like myself are here to help:)
I am here to walk with you into a new and more fulfilling season of your life. I will support you in working with the challenges and also uncovering your inner strengths- those awesome qualities you might not often see in yourself. Thus begins the first steps in getting un-stuck, with some help in moving in a positive direction.

You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.  -Roman Payne

Create your own Visionboard

Wow, isn't it awesome that Spring has fully arrived here in Vancouver?! I am feeling such gratitude for the scent of sweet blossoms in the air, for the chance to look up and see gorgeous blue sky, and for the extended daylight hours. I am especially drawn to the dark pink magnolias. Their elegant blooms are punctuated by fuzzy stems and on the whole, they have the most interesting shape too. Magnolias are very powerful in that they symbolize dignity; loyalty; perseverance; and feminine strength.

Where could you benefit from perseverance in your life?

In this season of new growth, I look forward to leading a Visionboard workshopon April 30th. It will be held in the fantastic Mt.Pleasant neighbourhood, at Yoga on 7th. The investment for your self-care is $50.

What you will receive from this session:

Support in discovering what matters most to you. More clarity on what your dreams and goals are. Renewed inspiration to create more positive energy in your life. FUN! A spirit of playfulness and confidence. An experience of community among like-minded people.

No skill or experience in art making is necessary.  I look forward to meeting you in person and giving you tools to create your visual map!

Here is the event on Facebook, to share with your networks:

Re-connecting with your inner creativity

'Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up'. -Pablo Picasso

Here's one way you can re-connect with your inner creativity: Buy a grown up colouring book, with mandalas in it, or any kind of drawings that you can spend time filling in. There are simple illustrations or more complex designs- choose what appeals most to you (That will be what you're needing right now). Studies have shown that the mind naturally goes into relaxation mode whille colouring, allowing the issues on your mind to take a background seat. Get a pack of pencil crayons, and explore your creativity by using various colours, or choosing the shades that feel most calming to you. There are lots of colouring book options at Chapters and Banyen books in Vancouver. You can also print your own mandala through this site:

I hope you enjoy re-connecting with your own creative possibility! It is yours to celebrate, explore, and have fun with. I also wish youa few glorious moments to relax and feel restored as you colour. It is a fantastic way to spend time:)

Being in the moment

Hello everyone, As fall emerges more strongly here in #Vancouver, I feel myself starting to move into a different kind of consciousness. More quiet me-time, warm soups, and a light sweater while going for a walk. I am drawn to write and process my thoughts on paper even more than to be out in the world all the time.

Here are some inspiring thoughts about learning to be more in the moment, and present to an energy that allows us to stay in the flow of life. ‪

What can you appreciate in your life right now?
