
Getting back to simple joys

Re-grounding after the winter has passed and spring is here can be a marvelous way to get some self-care in ♥️ Whether your last few months have been overly busy and rather exhausting, or quieter and a bit on the lonely side- resetting your own rhythms is important.

Today's invitation: Get creative with your hands, and make something. Anything you like. Relax and unwind with some favourite music, and have fun creating with colours, textures, and neat ideas. Focusing on a creative project is super healthy for the mind. Rediscover a childlike moment and enjoy losing track of time as you get into the fun!

Karine is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in Vancouver BC. She guides people in re-connecting with what brings them peace, fulfillment, and a sense of hope in their lives. It's a privilege to help clients strengthen their personal voice as they gain tools o feel more empowered and aligned with their purpose. 💛
